Semester reports also include a Pastoral page that identifies:
· any cocurricular activities the student has participated in
· leadership positions held
· awards received
· attendance records that specify the number of days absent and late
· a holistic comment from their mentor teacher that incorporates their involvement in all aspects of College life
To further support our students in tracking their progress, this year we are also adding a Grade Point Average (GPA) score to the Pastoral page. The GPA will be measured on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible score. We have found in recent years that the GPA is a more reliable indicator of HSC success than NAPLAN results, so awareness of this will assist students to measure their own performance and growth over time.
As has been our practice for some time, students also receive comprehensive feedback on each of their assessment tasks throughout the year. For many subjects, particularly in the senior years, this also incorporates feedback on drafts and questions prior to tasks. Our staff are very generous with their time to assist students be as prepared as possible for formal assessment tasks.
In addition to this regular feedback, we are also committed to ensuring ongoing, open communication. Students and parents are encouraged to email or call relevant staff if they ever have questions or concerns they wish to discuss. Similarly, teachers and other staff members will contact parents directly if they have information to share or concerns to raise. Parent/teacher/student interviews are another opportunity to honestly discuss progress, share insights and identify strategies for student improvement.
We believe this combined approach fosters a more collaborative and supportive learning environment, with all stakeholders working together to achieve success. Of key importance is the ability for students to track their progress more closely and to take proactive steps to improve their performance. Our goal is for students to take ownership of their learning and to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
Next week on Monday 3 April we will be publishing Year 12 reports so parents have time to review them before the Parent/Teacher/Student interviews taking place online via Zoom on Wednesday 5 April. We encourage all Year 12 parents to attend these interviews to ensure our students receive the support and guidance they need to achieve their best in their final year of secondary school.
On Thursday 6 April we will be publishing Year 11 Interim reports, which are provided to give parents a brief snapshot of how their daughter has settled into their first term of senior studies.
All year groups have had a busy time in recent weeks with assessment tasks. Can we please remind parents that if your daughter is absent on the day of, or the day prior to an assessment task, an Assessment Task Consideration Form needs to be completed. This includes providing a medical certificate or other supporting evidence for the absence. We appreciate the support of parents in this process to ensure fairness and equity for all students.
Leone Smyth
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning