
Matters Editorial – Laetitia Richmond 28 June 2024

Brigidine has had a fantastic Term 2, full of activity and celebration ending today with the College favourite –  Founders Day.

As we finish this week, staff are busy completing reports and preparing for the mid-year break and Year 12 teachers are preparing HSC workshops which will run during the upcoming holidays. A group of staff and students will head off this weekend to Western NSW as part of the annual Red Dirt immersion experience. Please pray for safe travels, and for a time of reflection and connection with each other and with the communities they will be working with.

There have been many College highlights over the last few weeks. Some of these include:

  • Student leadership for 2024/2025 is being finalised. Emilea Wallis and Caroline Cuda have been elected College Captain and Vice-Captain. 33 students applied for these positions and the calibre of applicants was outstanding. A full list of Leadership positions announced today at Founders Day is included in this edition of Matters.
  • Social Justice initiatives have continued – Days for Girls, Dignity Dishes and Year 10 leaders led the school in recognition and raising awareness around Reconciliation Week. This included prayers and activities for Mentor Classes.
  • The fantastic Year 11 Play with over 60 students performing in little girls alone in the woods, directed by our Head of Drama, Ms DiAnne McDonald.
  • Students have achieved in all areas of College life, in and out of the classroom. Of note: Tash Townley and Indie Smith who spoke at Have your Say Day run by the Northern Beaches Council; Elleni Turkovic who has made the Australian Team for Mountain Bike riding for two international events this year; our 13 sports aerobics teams reaching the state finals; our Senior Students receiving Highly Commended at the recent Ethics Olympiad; Tilly Cooper taking over the airwaves on the Ben Fordham Breakfast Show at 2GB; Jana Weingartner who competed Internationally in the MAIA Acro Cup; our dancers who were awarded 1st place in the IRBD Eisteddfod in company contemporary as well as many other placings in recent eisteddfods.
  • College events have included Parent/Student/Teacher nights, Information webinars for subject selection and Grandparents Day. All events have been very well received.
  • The long weekend in June was exceptionally busy for our Duke of Edinburgh program with students on adventurous journeys across the silver and bronze programs.
  • Over 200 guests attended the Alumni 70th Anniversary Celebrations on Saturday 15 June for the following events: Pioneers and Golden Girls Brunch – This year we welcomed the Class of 1974 to the Golden Girls group who celebrate 50 years since their graduation from the College, and the Class of 1964 who celebrate 60 years since their graduation. Attendees were the Pioneers, Golden Girls and Brigidine Sisters; a light Lunch reception included 27 past staff members, 36 past College Captains and Vice Captains and guests who purchased a commemorative paver; an Afternoon of Memories panel discussion where the above groups were joined by 62 Alumni in the Anita Murray Theatre. This panel, facilitated by current Head of Drama, Ms Di McDonald, featured four past Captains, whose attendance at the College spanned across our 70 years, sharing memories of their school days.
  • The Official opening of the Alumni Garden also took place on Saturday 15 June with current Board Chair, Michelle Dixon cutting of the ribbon officially opening the Garden. Sr Maree Marsh spoke on behalf of the Brigidines, and unveiled the second of two statues commissioned for the 70th celebrations with our current College Captain and Vice-Captain. Commemorative Pavers have been purchased by our Alumni, past staff, and current families. These have been placed in the Alumni Garden and form part of the design. Campus Tours were offered to guests to complete the day.
  • Year 12 led the College community in our traditional Spirit Week which was an end of term highlight and a Brigidine tradition. Our Founders Day Mass also celebrated our 70th. We were delighted to be joined by special guests including: Brigidine Sisters Sr Jan O’Neill and Sr Margaret Daniels  as well as pioneer students Ann Lomas – Class of 1959 and Anne Mayoh – Class of 1963. Founders Day Celebrations capped off the end of a wonderful week, term and semester! Thank you to Mrs Dunsmore and the Year 12 Mentor teachers for their important contribution to this day. Money raised throughout Founders Day will be donated to the Year 12 Charity Hope in a Suitcase.

As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Brigidine staff throughout this term and particularly teachers of Year 12 who a will be working with our HSC students over the break. 

Wishing all students, their families and Brigidine staff a safe and happy holiday break! Brigidine College recommences Term 3 for all students on Monday 22 July.

Laetitia Richmond

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