
Matters Editorial – Leone Smyth 9 August 2024

As we settle into Term 3, we acknowledge its crucial role in our academic calendar. Already there has been a lot going on!

Our wholehearted support goes out to our Year 12 students, who are currently undertaking their HSC Trial examinations. Their dedication and hard work has been truly inspiring.

The HSC Trials mark the end of in-school assessments for our Year 12s. These exams provide students with the chance to experience what it will be like when they sit their final HSC exams later this year. The exams are being run by our HSC Presiding Officer and her team of supervisors, so our students will be familiar with the protocols and expectations of that more formal environment. Feedback students receive on their performance in the Trials serves as a practical tool to consolidate knowledge, hone study habits, and refine exam techniques, as well as helping to identify strengths and areas needing improvement. We remind our students and their parents that the marks received in the Trials are not an indication of their final result. Like our amazingly successful Olympians, the goal is to peak at the right time – that is, achieving their ‘PB’ in their final HSC exams next term.

Students engaged in major projects for subjects like Dance, Drama and Music are approaching their final performances, with HSC marking set to begin soon. We wish them the best of luck. Students completing major projects in Design and Technology, English Extension 2, Science Extension, Society and Culture, Textiles and Design and Visual Arts are all looking forward to displaying their projects in Exhibition Week. We warmly invite our community to join us on Opening Night at 6pm on 20 August in Bowie Hall to celebrate their talent and achievements.

Our Year 8 and Year 10 students have recently submitted their elective course preferences for study in Year 9 and Year 11 2025. We are fortunate to offer a diverse range of courses that cater to various interests and potential career paths. This is an exciting phase, marking one of the first major academic decisions in their educational journey.

We believe in empowering every student to pursue their passions and develop their strengths. We have encouraged students to consider their options thoroughly and discuss them with parents and teachers. While these decisions can seem daunting, it is important to remember that there is no definitive ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision. High school is a time for exploration and growth, and these choices are steps in a broader journey.

The course lines for Year 11 in 2024 have been released today and students notified of their courses. Interviews with Year 10 students and their parents will take place on Wednesday 14 August, to confirm these selections. 

Timeslots for these interviews can be booked via the Parent Portal, which will be open for bookings between Monday 12 August at 3pm and Tuesday 13 August until 8 pm. We ask that appointments be made for all students with the relevant staff member, even if they are happy with their allocations and parents are not attending.

Year 8 students will be informed of their courses in the coming weeks.

This week Year 10 students also completed the minimum standards online tests in reading, writing and numeracy over the last few days. Achieving a Level 3 in each test meets the HSC minimum standard, essential for everyday life, work and further study. Most students will meet this standard and be eligible for the HSC, while those who haven’t will have additional opportunities and support to reach this standard in the coming months.

Additionally our Year 11 students are working towards completing their Preliminary studies and preparing for their examinations in the last weeks of term.

As we progress through Term 3, it is important to remember that every step counts. For our Year 12 students, each Trial exam is a critical part of their journey toward completing the HSC and graduating. For our Year 8 and Year 10 students, the decisions they make now will significantly influence their future academic pathways. We encourage all our students to continue striving for excellence in their daily studies and to embrace the opportunities that come their way.

Leone Smyth
Deputy Principal Teaching Learning

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