
Matters Editorial – Owen Vale 6 September 2024

Line up for recognition. Commitment, Excellence, Service.

At Brigidine College student achievement has been celebrated and recognised by the awarding of  Lines that are symbolically displayed on individual student blazers. Lines are awarded for both academic and cocurricular achievement. In 2024 the College has made some considered adjustments to the Cocurricular Lines Policy to improve fairness, to value and award dedication and commitment and to consider the importance of service and giving back to the Cocurricular program.

In adjusting the policy, the intention was always to maintain Lines as the currency and language of student recognition. This allows for student blazers to look similar through the transition between the old and the new, and for Lines to remain either white, blue or gold, as determined by the award classification.

Under the new policy, the following key change initiatives have been introduced. Students will now receive a White Line for a three-year commitment to any chosen cocurricular activity. The commitment need not be in successive years however, the commitment must be significant, with a 90% attendance as the expectation for the award. There was an overwhelming need to acknowledge that in many areas of cocurricular life, such as Music for example, a three-year commitment to an ensemble is a significant achievement that includes weekly rehearsals, attendance at events and showcases, public performances and a private dedication to practise and self-improvement.

Blue Lines are now awarded for achieving standards at the highest level. Blue Lines are awarded for our top ranked teams and ensembles across all activities when they achieve success at the highest level. Examples here include a Company Dance Ensemble winning a major regional eisteddfod, a top ranked ‘Firsts’ sporting team competing in a grand final in IGSA Division 1, or a top ranked Debating Team competing in an IGSA Archdale Debating Grand Final. Successful teams in all divisions will be recognised at College assemblies with trophies, medals or similar awards.

Perhaps most significantly, moving toward 2025, Gold Lines will now be awarded across all cocurricular activities where students can demonstrate they have met the following criteria:

  1. Commitment – A five year commitment. (reduced for newer students)
  2. Excellence – as demonstrated by giving one’s personal best
  3. Service – the student has given back.

Students in Year 11 will now also need to apply for Gold Lines.

Gold Lines will be awarded to Year 11 students as a cohort in Term 4 each year at a formal assembly. These awards recognise and celebrate all that we can ask of our students; that they are committed to each other and their activity, that they give their best and aspire to achieve high standards (personally, and in terms of teams and ensembles), and that they served and gave back to others and the activity. Giving back could involve coaching and umpiring, helping at carnivals and showcase events, nominating for or fulfilling leadership roles, directing, conducting or choreographing in the arts, or simply just offering help where a need exists.

In receiving a Gold Line, students will now wear the award for their entire final year. This enables both the recognition of the achievement and the positive role modelling for other students within the College community.

We look forward to watching all our students participating, striving and achieving in the rich cocurricular offerings at Brigidine.

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