
Student Leadership at Brigidine College

The Leadership program at Brigidine College St Ives is designed to empower young women with skills that will propel them into the future. Students will learn important leadership skills such as resilience and problem solving, giving them the opportunity to actively participate in the decision making process of the College. Students will become role models, being true to themselves, providing responsible service to the College community leading with Strength and Gentleness.

In 2022 we continue to give more opportunities to students in Years 7-11 to have formal leadership positions and these opportunities will form part of the Student Leadership Diploma which is one of the criteria for selecting senior leaders. All students will be involved in leadership skills and activities in mentor.

Leadership at Brigidine College St Ives is defined as ‘any action that makes the world I touch a better place’. The leadership values of integrity, courage, compassion and fairness are essential along with humility. Humility is the foundation of leadership.

Student involvement will allow girls to achieve this section of the Brigidine Leadership Diploma. Most girls are so involved in the wide variety of curricular and cocurricular activities that are on offer at Brigidine and therefore will already be eligible for that area of the Brigidine Leadership Diploma. There are seven categories of the Diploma and students will need to fulfil all criteria. A tracking sheet can be found in the Student Handbook allowing students to monitor how they are progressing with achievement of the diploma, as well as a digital copy being held which individuals will check regularly. All students need to ensure they attend all whole school carnivals, camps and retreats, take up a new leadership opportunity, apply themselves in class, complete their Community Involvement Program each year (Years 7-10) and volunteer for one of the many community service opportunities.

All students have the ability to be leaders and, for this reason, leadership skills will be taught to all students during mentor. The activities will be facilitated by the Year and House Leaders with the support of Mentor Teachers.

The whole school community benefits when students get involved in planning and decision-making and when participants, students, staff and community work together on issues they choose and value. Senior Captains will be facilitating a student forum once a term in the library once COVID restrictions allow. There will be a variety of topics discussed and these will be suggested by staff, students and parents. Regular Wednesday lunchtime meetings for all leadership positions will be held to enhance and ensure that student voice is heard.

Research shows leadership skills and potential are strengthened through meaningful participation. In exploring how adolescent girls can be best prepared for school and post-school leadership, leaders will be given greater responsibility and voice at Brigidine.

All students have received a presentation about Brigidine student leadership and if students have any questions please do not hesitate to come and see me or contact me via email at swacher@brigidine.nsw.edu.au

Skye Wacher
Social Justice and Leadership Coordinator

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