If your daughter is away for any of the tests, she will have an opportunity to catch up on Tuesday 21 March and Wednesday 22 March.
NAPLAN tests are just one part of our school learning assessment program and questions are primarily based on knowledge, understanding and skills gained from the prior year of schooling. As such, the College strongly encourages all students to participate in this national assessment.
If your daughter is entitled to a disability adjustment, the relevant form needs to be completed and returned by Friday 24 February. Please contact Mrs Jessica Marino – Diverse Learning (jmarino@brigidine.nsw.edu.au) for more information.
A student may be withdrawn from NAPLAN at the request of their parent/carer. Also, students whose capacity to participate in the test is severely limited, even with adjustments, may be deemed exempt. However, these are matters for consideration by parents in consultation with Ms Leone Smyth – Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning (lsmyth@brigidine.nsw.edu.au).
NAPLAN Preparation
In preparation for NAPLAN 2023, we will undertake activities to help students to become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. Students and parents can also access the public demonstration site HERE at any time to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not required nor recommended.
Other Resources
· NAP parent/carer support page
· Watch a video that explains tailored testing
· NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers
· NAPLAN Information for Students in Years 7 and 9
If you have any further questions about NAPLAN, please contact your child’s teacher or Mr Greg Johns – Studies Coordinator (gjohns@brigidine.nsw.edu.au).